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The Making of Merciless REVIEW
From the intro to the last page, Mr. Stumpf has written a masterful page-turner. By the intro, that details his personal hardships and becoming a successful screenwriter -- from learning the harsh realities of Hollywood, to his eventually selling and optioning his screenplays -- you become engaged. Then, the screenplay, drags you into the twisting, horror-filled story with masterfully placed brushstrokes of wit and macabre. There is play of colors and opposites - the black polo shirt and the white hatchback, the light of day and the dark woods - as well as multi dimensional characters - Patrick, the rookie cop with
Bryan Stumpf |
an interest in film, and Gage, the film director with the underlying narcissistic tendencies. It is like Blair Witch had an affair with every Scream-inspired slasher film from the 21st century -- the Making of Merciless is an original “found footage” screenplay with witty comic dialogue, interrupted chronology, and maximum savagery.
You can purchase your copy of The Making of Merciless on Amazon: CLICK HERE
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